Information and Resources on ADD and ADHD
CHADD – This is a detailed site that has good information for parents of children with ADD/ADHD, and for children and adults with ADD/ADHD. – This site sells and distributes a large collection of ADD-related books, videos, training programs, games, professional texts and assessment products.
Inormation and Resources on Mood Disorders – Credible inormation on mood disorders including depressive disorders and bipolar mood disorder. Great for further education and support.
Information on Drug Use and Teenagers – This website has a lot of good information
on a variety of issues with drug use including how to talk to your kids about drugs, spot drug use, educate on drugs, what to do if a child is using, and connecting with other parents.
Resources on Media and Children – This is a comprehensive website that provides access to a database on research in media and health, e-newsletters for parents, and an “Ask the Mediatrician” feature. Great web site. – This is from the Coalition for Quality Children’s Media and is a source of media reviews and quality children’s media. – Contains online safety guides, tools for families, and links to good sites for kids and teens.
Women’s Mental Health
This site contains information for women mainly regarding depression disorders in pregnancy, post partum, and menopause. It also contains information on premenstrual dysphoric disorder.
General Information on Child, Adolescent and Adult Psychiatry – This site is sponsored by the APA (American Psychiatric Association) and provides brief descriptions of various mental health problems as well as specialized information such as mental health issues in different ethnicities. THis site contains “Let’s Talk Facts” brochures. – This site is from the National Institute of Health and is similar to healthy minds. It is more in-depth and research-oriented. – This is the home page for the American Psychiatric Association and contains further links to information as well as providers. – This is the home page for the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. It is a good resource for pertinent child and adolescent issues. It also contains “Facts for Families” Hand-outs which are one page descriptors of a large variety of different mental health problems.